Sid Meier's Civilization VI - Babylon Pack Download

NOTICE: Requires the basegame Sid Meier's Civilization® VI in order to play.Activation key must be used on a valid Steam account. Requires aninternet connection.

About the game

Sid Meier's Civilization VI - Babylon Pack. This content requires the base game Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI on Steam in order to play. All Reviews: Mixed (32). Pick up your Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI - Babylon Pack PC copy from Green Man Gaming today and remember to sign in for our best price.

  1. All games; Trending Products; Bestsellers; Preorders; Games by genre. Action Games; Adventure Games; Action & Shooting Games; RPG Games; Simulator Games.
  2. Sid Meier's Civilization VI - Babylon Pack. This content requires the base game Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI on Steam in order to play. All Reviews: Mixed (32) - 56% of the 32 user reviews for this game are positive. Release Date: Nov 19, 2020. Developer: Firaxis.

This new content pack introduces Hammurabi as the leader ofBabylon. The Babylon civilization excels at Science, as well asGovernment and Infrastructure. Also included is the new Heroes andLegends game mode, two Unique Improvements (The Mahavihara and TheTrading Dome), six new City-States, and 24 New Great People.

Civilization VI is required to play add-on content and somefeatures of the New Frontier Pass require the Civilization VIExpansion Bundle to work.

Includes the Babylon civilization with Hammurabi, the SabumKibittum unique unit, and the Palgum unique building.
  • Civ Unique Ability: The “Enuma Anu Enlil” ability allowsEurekas to provide all of the Science for technologies, butdecreases the amount of Science generated each turn.
  • Leader Unique Ability: Hammurabi's “Ninu Ilu Sirum” abilityconstructs the lowest Production cost building in each specialtydistrict for free the first time that district is built. Theability also grants a bonus Envoy when any other district isconstructed for the first time. Does not apply to the GovernmentPlaza.
  • Unique Unit: Babylon features the Sabum Kibittum unique unit.This Ancient Era melee unit provides increased Combat Strengthagainst Heavy and Light Cavalry units, and has additional Movementand Sight.
  • Unique Building: The Palgum replaces the Watermill. It unlockswith Irrigation and provides additional Production and Housing. Italso increases the Food generated by all Freshwater tiles, butrequires the City to be adjacent to a River.
The Babylon pack also introduces the new “Heroes and Legends”game mode, an optional mode that features legendary figures fromthe world's great cultural traditions as playable entities.
  • Recruit legendary characters to your flag and achieve newheights of prosperity, innovation, and military might.
    • New Heroes can be discovered through the Heroic Tales CityProject or through exploration and city-state diplomacy.
    • Every Hero has one or more unique abilities based on theirhistoric and/or mythic deeds.
  • Weave together fact and myth to create new narratives,triumphs, and legends for your civilizations.
    • Heroes have a finite Lifespan and expire after a certain numberof turns, but can be recalled using Faith to aid your cause oncemore.
    • The first time a Hero dies or expires, they leave behind twoHeroic Relic Great Works: an Epic and a symbolic object. Theserelics can aid their civilization throughout the rest of the game.Monuments can display these items in two new Heroic Relicslots.
Additional New Content:
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  • 24 New Great People - including the poet Rumi (Writer), thecultural anthropologist Margaret Mead (Scientist), and the Egyptianarchitect Imhotep (Engineer).
  • 6 New City-States - including one of each type: Cultural,Industrial, Militaristic, Religious, Scientific, and Trade.
  • 2 Unique Improvements unlocked by new City-States:
    • The Mahavihara is built by the Nalanda city-state and providesadditional Science and Housing. It also gives bonus Faith for everyadjacent Holy Site and bonus Science for every adjacent Campus. TheMahavihara unlocks a random Technology the first time it isconstructed and must be built on flat land not adjacent to anotherMahavihara.
    • The Trading Dome is built by the Samarkand city-state andprovides additional Gold, plus further bonus Gold for everyadjacent luxury resource. International Trade Routes sent fromcities with Trading Domes generate increased Gold for each dome.Cannot be built adjacent to another Trading Dome.

System requirements


2K and Firaxis Games have released the Babylon Pack DLC for tactical 4x strategy and civilization building game Sid Meier’s Civilization VI.

The Babylon Pack is the fourth piece of DLC added to the game as part of the New Frontier Pass. The DLC introduces Hammurabi as the leader of Babylon, a new playable civilization with a variety of unique units, technologies, and abilities.

The DLC also includes the Heroes and Legends game mode, an optional mode which features a wide range of historic figures as playable entities, as well as 24 new Great People and 6 City-States.


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Sid Meier’s Civilization VI – Babylon Pack is available as part of the New Frontier Pass for $39.99 USD, or by itself for $4.99 USD.

You can find the rundown (via Steam) below:

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This new content pack introduces Hammurabi as the leader of Babylon. The Babylon civilization excels at Science, as well as Government and Infrastructure.

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Includes the Babylon civilization with Hammurabi, the Sabum Kibittum unique unit, and the Palgum unique building. Dying light - volkan combat armor bundles.

  • Civ Unique Ability: The “Enuma Anu Enlil” ability allows Eurekas to provide all of the Science for technologies, but decreases the amount of Science generated each turn.
  • Leader Unique Ability: Hammurabi’s “Ninu Ilu Sirum” ability constructs the lowest Production cost building in each specialty district for free the first time that district is built. The ability also grants a bonus Envoy when any other district is constructed for the first time. Does not apply to the Government Plaza.
  • Unique Unit: Babylon features the Sabum Kibittum unique unit. This Ancient Era melee unit provides increased Combat Strength against Heavy and Light Cavalry units, and has additional Movement and Sight.
  • Unique Building: The Palgum replaces the Watermill. It unlocks with Irrigation and provides additional Production and Housing. It also increases the Food generated by all Freshwater tiles, but requires the City to be adjacent to a River.

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The Babylon pack also introduces the new “Heroes and Legends” game mode, an optional mode that features legendary figures from the world’s great cultural traditions as playable entities.

  • Recruit legendary characters to your flag and achieve new heights of prosperity, innovation, and military might.
    New Heroes can be discovered through the Heroic Tales City Project or through exploration and city-state diplomacy.
    Every Hero has one or more unique abilities based on their historic and/or mythic deeds.
  • Weave together fact and myth to create new narratives, triumphs, and legends for your civilizations.
  • Heroes have a finite Lifespan and expire after a certain number of turns, but can be recalled using Faith to aid your cause once more.
  • The first time a Hero dies or expires, they leave behind two Heroic Relic Great Works: an Epic and a symbolic object. These relics can aid their civilization throughout the rest of the game. Monuments can display these items in two new Heroic Relic slots.

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Additional New Content:

  • 24 New Great People – including the poet Rumi (Writer), the cultural anthropologist Margaret Mead (Scientist), and the Egyptian architect Imhotep (Engineer).
  • 6 New City-States – including one of each type: Cultural, Industrial, Militaristic, Religious, Scientific, and Trade.
  • 2 Unique Improvements unlocked by new City-States:
    The Mahavihara is built by the Nalanda city-state and provides additional Science and Housing. It also gives bonus Faith for every adjacent Holy Site and bonus Science for every adjacent Campus. The Mahavihara unlocks a random Technology the first time it is constructed and must be built on flat land not adjacent to another Mahavihara.
    The Trading Dome is built by the Samarkand city-state and provides additional Gold, plus further bonus Gold for every adjacent luxury resource. International Trade Routes sent from cities with Trading Domes generate increased Gold for each dome. Cannot be built adjacent to another Trading Dome.

Sid Meier's Civilization Vi Mods

Sid Meier’s Civilization VI is available on Windows PC, Linux, and Mac (all via Steam).

Download Sid Meier's Civilization Vi
