The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters

  1. The Coma 2 Walkthrough

This download contains a PDF art book with 60 pages of stunning hand-illustrated art from The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters. It also features never before seen in-game lore related to The Coma 2's development, universe, and its characters. Terrifying, trying, and emotionally wrecking, The Coma 2: Vicious sisters is an exemplary title when it comes to psychological horror, which puts it above many of today’s modern horror games. Pros: +Visiuals absolutely pop, regardless of the platform played on.

The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters was finally released on Xbox One recently and it’s an amazing game all around. The game was published by Chorus Worldwide Games and developed by Devespresso Games. This survival/horror game was a lot of fun to play and provides a very challenging gameplay experience.

  1. The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters is an atmospheric, story-driven game. Immerse yourself in the warped Sehwa district as you encounter an engaging cast of characters, solve puzzles, discover revealing clues, and fight for survival against a relentless psycho. Heroines, forced to confront their worst fears, rarely emerge unscathed.
  2. The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters is an atmospheric, story-driven game. Immerse yourself in the warped Sehwa district as you encounter an engaging cast of characters, solve puzzles, discover revealing clues, and fight for survival against a relentless psycho.
  3. Here is The coma 2 vicious sisters true ending Guide. Hope this guide will help you. If you have any problems. Please let me know.SPOILERS BELOW.Disclamer. If you have already had you final conversation with Yaesol and do not have all the required items you will be locked out from unlocking the true.
The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters

The story for The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters was really good and surprisingly had some nice character development. Essentially, you play as Sewha High School student Mina Park and you have to find ways to survive in the shadow realm. The games’ narration is Korean, but thankfully there are english subtitles in the form of word bubbles. As you play through the game as Mina, you’ll visit some very strange “shadow realm” versions of certain locations. I’ll talk more about the level designs later in the review. Running from and dodging the creatures isn’t the only thing you have to worry about; you’ll also be chased by an evil version of Mina’s teacher, Ms. Song. Unfortunately, you will spend most of your time running around the levels looking for certain items that are needed to progress; sometimes they show up on the map, sometimes they don’t. It drags on after a while, but you get used to it after a while.

Having Ms. Song follow you through each of the levels brings an element of surprise to the game because you really don’t know when she will pop up. It definitely calls for some well timed jump scares. You could be looking for some bandages and then all of sudden you’re scrambling to find somewhere to hide; easily one of my features the game has. There’s a lot interesting things that happen throughout the story and a lot of interesting characters you meet.

Your limited inventory brings an interesting challenge to the game. You can have all of the keys and other items important to the story you want, but you only have four inventory slots for healing items. I recommend having water at all times because you will be running a lot. There is also the added challenge of permanently losing health bars; you can’t avoid it because it revolves around the story in a way.

The visuals were amazing and complimented the story being told. The manhwa (Korean manga) art style was something that was new to me, and this game immediately got my attention with the art style. The character and level designs are well done. The Songreung Subway Station was probably my favorite level. Swords & souls: neverseen download free. At that point you’re really starting to get into the thick of things and the game begins to get increasingly difficult. I liked the subway station also because of its design. The abandoned subway aesthetic was well done and was actually really scary. The same goes for the Sehwa Hospital; hospitals are always scary in horror games and The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters definitely achieves that.

Having the dead just laying around the levels was a nice touch. It helped give the game an eerie feel. It was also terrifying when I would walk out of a room and then there would be a figure standing there and I’d panic and run away.

The controls were easy to learn and I didn’t really have any issues with the controls on this game. The players movements were quick and smooth and responded nicely when the buttons were pressed. I will say this though, it would’ve been nicer if all you had to do was press the A button to enter and leaves rooms opposed to holding the button. It didn’t take anything away from the game, but I think it could’ve made the game a little bit smoother.

The soundtrack and sounds were big reason as to why I liked this game. The soundtrack was good and complimented the games’ horror aspect. The games’ soundtrack was paced well and went nicely with the overall aesthetic of the game. It was really good whenever the Vicious Sister was be chasing you; sometimes it would be out of nowhere and it would definitely get the heart rate going. The sound of hearing the Vicious Sister walking was oddly terrifying. The sound of her heels hitting the floor was enough to make you stop and immediately take off in the other direction. I recommend wearing headphones so you can hear which direction she is coming from. You don’t want to accidentally run into her like I did, a lot.

There is some replay value because there are apparently two different endings that are based on how you’ve played through the game. So if you really want to experience both endings, then I would recommend playing through the game again.

Overall, The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters is an excellent survival/horror game that challenges the player while providing a fun and engaging experience. There were very few things I found wrong with the game. After playing this game, I can see why it is a Best Narrative Award and Grand Prix winner. If you’re into survival/horror games, I highly recommend playing The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters.

Below you can watch the official trailer for The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters:

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Have you played The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters? If so, let us know your thoughts in the comments!

TCN was provided a review copy ofThe Coma 2: Vicious Sisters on Xbox One for the intent of review purposes by the publisher/PR.

TitleThe Coma 2: Vicious Sisters
DeveloperDevespresso Games
PublisherHeadup, WhisperGames
Release DateJanuary 28th, 2020
GenreHorror, Adventure
Age RatingN/A
Official Website

South Korea’s own Devespresso Games struck a chord with a cadre of horror fans when The Coma: Cutting Class released. A few years, a vambrace and a remaster later, The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters hit Steam. As for whether it lives up to the standards set by the first game? Let’s find out.

The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters picks up where the first game left off. While I didn’t play that one, I did watch a playthrough beforehand. Good thing too, because I would have missed many, many references to it. Youngho is in the hospital and his classmate, Mina, ends up with the pendant he was holding when he collapsed. After class she spots one of Youngho’s friends, Seho, going into a storage room. She follows him, but nobody’s in there. Then she reads from a strange book which causes her to pass out and enter the nightmarish dimension existing alongside reality known as the Coma. Now she’s caught in a struggle to prevent the titular Vicious Sister from accessing the Waking Realm, lest it unleash its fury on Mina’s world.


I love Noki- I mean, Konia phones. Phew, dodged a product placement bullet on that one.

When discussing Vicious Sisters, it’s important to distinguish what’s changed from the first entry and what’s the same. Structurally, the sequel plays much like the original. Mina side-scrolls her way through buildings, picking up items and avoiding or hiding from Coma monsters. The same items from the first game can be found scattered around the map or inside vending machines, some of which heal the same bleed and poison status effects. There are still notes to read for lore and/or hints and various puzzles involving items, namely keys. The last similarity I’ll mention is that there is still a ton of backtracking across every location, something I’ll expand on later in this review.

As for what’s different, several of the changes made for Vicious Sisters are cosmetic. Visuals are still hand-drawn and look great for the aesthetic the game puts forth. However, the frame-by-frame animation from the first game got replaced with a smoother, vector-based one. Whether it’s a monster hopping into view or Mina sprinting down a hall, everything looks nice without that floaty, “this character moves like a marionette” quality this type of animation can have if not implemented properly. The only time it consistently looks awkward is in dialogue, where everyone feels the need to constantly bob their head up and down or side to side.

What’s also different is the scope of Vicious Sisters. While the first game stayed on the grounds of Sehwa High School, this one sees Mina start in the school, but end up visiting multiple locations like markets and police stations. Along the way she often gets attacked by wandering minions, called Flesh Thralls, or chased by stronger enemies like the twisted visage of Ms. Song. These enemies wander the halls or streets of each area, but only go into rooms to chase after Mina, who can hide in lockers or under desks until they go away. The footsteps of these stronger enemies can be heard if they’re nearby, but I struggled a lot with knowing when it was safe to leave a room. I’d hear footsteps fade into the distance, go outside, then immediately hear a shriek and need to hide again. Other times I’d hear the footsteps get really close and go silent. After twenty seconds or so, I had a fifty-fifty shot upon leaving the room of immediately slamming into whatever I was trying to avoid.

On the plus side, Mina isn’t completely defenseless in Vicious Sisters. Aside from being able to dodge past enemies and traps, there are usually plenty of health or stamina items around, either found in bags or available to buy from vending machines. She can also use one-time self-defense items like mace if she gets caught by Dark Song in particular. These are usually tied to quick-time events, something that bothered me after a while due to their overuse. Vicious Sisters loves quick-time events, throwing out three or four at a time for things like hiding from monsters and cobbling together items at a crafting bench. Dead cells the bad seed bundle. I can understand the former to some degree, but why is crafting, a no-pressure activity that’s not time sensitive, tied to a series of quick-time events?

This just feels unnecessary.

Crafting is something you may or may not do in Vicious Sisters, depending on how much you value Mina’s well being. She has five points of health to start with, but can permanently lose a point for not crafting certain tools for certain events, usually when she’s moving between different parts of town. The thing is, these tools are key items and only work for those specific events, even when they would be useful at other times. If Mina crafts a taser and gets caught by Dark Song, she’ll decide dying is better so she can save it for a future emergency she doesn’t know will happen. At one point Mina crafts a trap which doesn’t slow down Dark Song at all, but demon teacher Wile E. Coyotes herself off a ledge and out of the scene as Mina gets away. Sometimes these crafted tools pay off, but other times they don’t significantly change Mina’s interactions with Dark Song, minus the health loss.

That leads to one of the key features of Vicious Sisters, and also one of its biggest drawbacks. Some backtracking is to be expected, particularly in horror games, but this game tends to rely on it to an absurd degree. For example, I noticed that I’d often get an item or note in the far northeast corner of a map, then have to follow the hint to the far southwest corner. This happened over and over across multiple buildings. It’s made worse by several key parts of the map like connecting hallways or staircases being blocked off or destroyed, forcing long detours. I get that it’s to have more monster encounters and play up how warped the Coma’s take on the real world is, but it’s no less annoying. It’s aggravated further by Mina apparently being the embodiment of Murphy’s law. Instead of having to grab a card from her bag at the school to use for the subway, Mina will have it stolen by a Shade, be led across the school to find it, go to the subway, find the card has no money on it, find a card machine that only accepts bills when she just has coins, find a Shade in a bathroom that will pay for toilet paper, then have to track down said toilet paper because I guess no one stocked any of the adjacent stalls. For the record, that’s not an exaggeration; it’s an actual sequence of events in the game.

The Coma 2: Vicious SistersThe

Still, I’ll take being constantly strung along with fetch quests over getting lost due to how event flags work in Vicious Sisters. Even with an objective list and the map occasionally showing markers for where to go, it can be easy to miss what the game thinks is important. See, Mina often won’t pick up any items or read any notes unless A) the light is on so she can see them, and B) she follows a weirdly specific sequence of events. While it may make sense to not take certain items without knowing if she’ll use them—shout outs to every square crank in any Resident Evil game—it’s also frustrating to have to follow an unusually strict trail of bread crumbs so Mina will pick up something she should know will come in handy. I missed a post-it note in a school office, one of four I had to read in order, which left Mina unable to see or pick up a key sitting on a desk. Said key was for a room Mina needed to visit, and which a Shade already hinted that she should go to. Did I mention this key sequence is also part of Operation: Subway Paper from earlier? It can get exhausting not just how often the game uses backtracking and event flags, but how they can make Mina seem oblivious.

As much as the means to get through the story bothered me, not much else in Vicious Sisters did. Controls were an issue because I played on a keyboard and, with no options for rebinding and next to no mouse use, I wound up playing the whole game with one gradually cramping hand. That aside, the story is well paced and the game takes advantage of the expanded setting to do some world building on how the Coma and the beings in it operate. I know some will think the ending (the good/true ending, not the bad one) is somewhat disappointing in one specific regard, but I thought it made sense while still allowing Mina to deal with her faults over the course of the game. The atmosphere stays strong on both an audio and visual front throughout, thanks to the moody ambient tracks and combination of twisting eldritch vines and wax corpse-like figures.

Hiding spot? Wi-Fi hot spot? Why not both?

As much as I like the world and story of The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters, as well as most of the gameplay, I can’t overlook how much it felt like the game was being padded with fetch quests and picky event triggers. I lasted eight hours on the first go, but had to keep taking breaks every 30-40 minutes or so because I could only do so much backtracking or scanning of every wall in every room for hints before needing to do something, anything else. For those with a higher tolerance for it, the $15 asking price (or about $23 for a deluxe bundle with the artbook, soundtrack and two DLC costumes) should be well worth it. After all, someone needs to help Mina out so she doesn’t have to settle for a disappointing B on her exams. Yes, really.

The Coma 2 Walkthrough

Review copy provided by publisher.